Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Finally, the pictures I promised!

 Above is the Easter skirt I made on a whim because I found this very pretty fabric.  Looks can be deceiving!  The skirt began to fall apart as soon as I put it on--the fabric began to pull apart from itself at the seams.  Not cool, fabric, not cool!  I wasted $25 on this skirt.  It's cute, but I can't wear it.  Sigh.

Here is the completed Muppets scrup top!  My sister loved it and the Elmo one and wore both of them to her job at the children's hospital.  I have to say, I really liked the Muppets one the best.  Not only do I love the Muppets more, but this scrub top also took me only 2.5 hours!  Another record time!

Now I'm back to 1860's and Regency for a long time.  Pretty, pretty fabrics are coming in the mail, so stay posted for pictures!